Saturday, January 8, 2011


Well, we are sort of back, dribble by dribble.  Some of the pieces were scattered to the four winds and some stayed home but we all had lots of shopping, cooking or company over the Christmas holidays.  We are slowly getting back into it.  We have only had one day together in a long time so our postings are a little slow but we are all excited to be back.
Even though is is not as warm as it usually is in sunny Florida, it is a heck of a lot better than most places, especially Northern England where my sister Barbara is visiting this winter. She took this photo in back of the house where she is staying.  She was taking the dogs for a walk along the moors and stopped by the church cemetery for a peek.  She is a wonderful photographer and I just love this photo, it is full of hard, cold, softness.  I had to share it.

1 comment:

Ballard Park, Original Oil on Canvas

  I had not painted outside in two years, so this was quite a challenge. It was one of those paintings I had to improve upon in the studio. ...